Researching 17th Century Ancestors with SoG’s Else Churchill

The Society of Genealogists is presenting a course aimed at taking your research back into the 1600s. Away from the pressures of life for a weekend, you can focus on how to find your earlier ancestors and flesh out your family’s history. If you sign up for this online course you will spend time with other people in the class that share your interests and are as keen as you are to learn new skills. Most of us enjoy meeting and learning from expert genealogists and we find others’ ancestry almost as fascinating as our own.

The SoG 2-day intensive course covers:


The Commonwealth Gap

Civil Wars

Migration to the Americas

Parish Registers and Records

Heraldic Visitations

Grammar Schools and Universities

London Guilds and Livery Companies


Old Poor Law

Sources for English Civil War soldiers

Court records and Quarter Sessions


17th Century Probate


Using case studies, document workshops and small group discussions alongside lectures you will learn about England in the 17th Century the sources available to research your ancestors in this period, and what their life would have been like.

On Saturday afternoon guest speaker Tim Healey presents “Sex, Drink and Death in the 17th Century” a romp through the pleasures and perils of life in this turbulent era, featuring bawdy frolics, alehouse revels, highway robberies, Civil War, fire and plague. Hugely entertaining, the talk also gives insight into evolving customs – of courtship, celebration, faith and burial.

Time:  From 10:30am to 5 pm on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September on Zoom.


Students will then have access to the recording of each talk for two weeks.


Bookings are open until 9am 16 September 2023.

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