It’s back! The Family History Show is returning to York this Saturday 22 June 2022!

NEWS:  This announcement is from The Family History Show – York

At last, it’s back! 

After nearly two years of not having the freedom and interaction of a physical show, we found from surveying previous attendees that people were looking forward to enjoying a great day out again. They were looking forward to listening to live talks and asking questions face-to-face to a range of experts and exhibitors. As we have had so many requests to hold another show we are only too pleased to welcome everyone back this Saturday 25th June 2022 to The Family History Show – York!

Help ensure the future of family history events like this by voting with your feet and come to The Family History Show – York where it is making a welcome return to the Racecourse. 

The Family History Show York
The Family History Show  at York

If you can’t make this weekend then why not put this date in your diary? The Family History Show – London will be at Kempton Park on Saturday 24th September.

Packed with exhibitors attending from all over the UK, plus family history societies and genealogy supplies companies returning at last to a physical show, this long-awaited chance to talk face-to-face with stall holders is a must for your diary.

These events are not just for those who have Yorkshire or London Ancestors – these family history shows will appeal to all visitors. Everyone is very welcome and there will be so much to see throughout the day at both events. There will be plenty of parking, refreshments will be available all day, you can talk with experts who can help with your research queries and watch FREE talks held throughout the day.

These events are organised by family historians for family historians. Do you really know who you are? Come and find out – you may be surprised!

The Knavesmire Exhibition Centre, The Racecourse, York
The Knavesmire Exhibition Centre, The Racecourse, York

Each show features:

  • Free talks held throughout the day in two large lecture areas
  • Book a free personal 1-2-1 session with an expert, or visit our special Expert Panel at the end of the day where our experts combine to give a talk full of handy research tips and answer your questions in a Q&A session.
  • Free Parking and Local Train Station
  • All Day Refreshments
  • Wheelchair Friendly Venue

Early-bird Ticket Offer

Get your tickets now and save, Only £6 (£8 on the day) and you’ll also get a goody bag on entry worth over £17. 


Save 50% by getting two tickets for £8 for the York show here: 


Talks you can look forward to at the York show include:

Nick Barratt – The Future of Family History

Looking at the ways family history research is changing as a result of technology and the media, with some opportunities that this may present for the future. A timely warning that the excitement around new digital releases should prompt us to think about how we use the wealth of data available.


Mia Bennett – Using DNA to Support Family History Research

This talk is aimed at people who want to practically apply DNA insights to their family history research. DNA is the new tool in our toolkit for helping us take our family history further.  It looks at some of the methods and techniques you can use when working with your DNA results. In addition, little tips will be given along with a few practical examples to help you visualise what you need to do to progress your family history research.


Jackie Depelle – Writing Your Family History

Have you done all your family history research and now wondering what to do with it? 

Learn how to organise and develop your hard work and research into a framework that can be shared with others, in a variety of different ways. Move on from record sheets and charts.


Keith Gregson – Walking in the Footsteps of our Ancestors

This talk explores how with research and the right tools you can step back in time looking at where your ancestors lived, worked and spent their leisure time. Following the routes they may have taken, on old maps and looking at the views they may have seen.


Mark Bayley – Breaking Down Brick Walls

Mark shows techniques and data sets that can remove those obstacles to completing your family history.


Mark Bayley – Mapping Your Ancestors

Mark discusses how to get the most out of map-based record sets, what’s available online and demonstrates a fantastic tool for viewing them.


Early-bird Ticket Offer

Get two tickets for £8 for the York show here: 

Check out Family History TV on YouTube with their free short videos. These how-to-guides are by leading experts covering a variety of topics. Their speakers specialise in subjects from the world of British Genealogy, Military History, DNA, House History and Social History and many of them are past and present speakers from The Family History Show. Watch a short video now at:


Find Out More at: 

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